
Valuation and Appraisal Services

ADCE provides multiple valuation and appraisal services, including:
  1. Property Valuations:
    • Valuations of existing properties carried out to derive the market value of a property and to identify the potential revenue it generates (if any)
    • Divided residential and commercial valuations
    • Development appraisals (i.e., the assessment of bare lands that have a potential for development or the assessment of existing properties that have a potential for renovation)
  2. Feasibility Studies:
    • Feasibility studies carried out to analyse the total construction costs of a proposed project (including consultancy and other fees) and the potential revenue that the project would generate. If the potential revenue of the proposed project can cover all of the costs while yielding a profit to the owner/developer, then the project is financially feasible and suitable for financing
  3. Technical Capability Reports:
    • A Technical Capability Report is prepared to identify the contractor’s capability to complete its projects by analysing its resources (i.e., manpower and equipment) as well as analysing its technical knowhow and performance on the ongoing and/or completed projects
  4. Project Progress Reports:
    • A Project Progress Report is prepared to provide a summary of the project’s status, works completed, about to finish, started and due to start and delay (if applicable)
  5. Project Payment Vetting:
    • Vetting of project payments is carried out to verify whether the payment raised for a given project is in order or not
  6. Project Analysis Reports:
    • A Project Analysis Report is carried out to verify the cash flow, contract conditions, technical capabilities of the consultant and contractor, and the project cost
  7. Cost Verification:
    • Cost verification is carried out to verify the cost of the project compared to similar projects based on market rates
  8. Cash Flow Vetting:
    • Cash flow vetting is carried out to verify the projected cash flow prepared by the contractor for the project life cycle
  9. Lender Technical Advisor (LTA)/Project Monitoring:
    • The “Lender Technical Advisor” is the monitoring of a project in order to update the business unit regularly on the project status, variations, delays, etc., as well as to certify the payments on a monthly basis. Site visits will be conducted on a weekly/fortnightly basis to monitor the project closely until completion